Ethereum: Generate address with RSA private key

Generating Bitcoin Addresses with RSA Private Keys

Ethereum: Generate address with RSA private key

In the world of cryptocurrencies, secure communication and transactions are crucial. Two popular methods for generating addresses in digital currencies like Bitcoin are using public key cryptography (PKC) and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). One of these methods is based on RSA private keys, which can be a bit difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with cryptographic concepts.

RSA Private Keys

An RSA private key is a pair of large prime numbers (p and q) used to sign digital signatures. It is used to verify the authenticity of messages or transactions in a secure manner. The public part of the key is shared publicly, while the private part remains confidential.

To generate a Bitcoin address using an RSA private key:

  • Choose two random prime numbers: Select two large prime numbers p and q.
  • Calculate modulus n: Calculate the product of p and q to get modulus n.
  • Generate public and private keys: Use the public part (e) of modulus n to generate a public key and use the private part (d) as a secret key to generate your Bitcoin address.

Generating addresses

To generate a Bitcoin address using RSA private keys, follow these steps:

  • Use private key to sign a message: Sign a message with your private key.
  • Calculate hash of signed message: Calculate the SHA-256 hash of the signature and message (for example, using the echo -n command in Bash).
  • Generate Bitcoin address from hash: The resulting hash is a 64-character string starting with “0x”. This string can be used as a Bitcoin address.


Let’s say you have an RSA private key and you use it to sign the message “Hello, world!”. You would calculate the SHA-256 hash of this signature and the message using a tool like sha256sum in Bash. The resulting hash is:


You can then generate a Bitcoin address from this hash using the following steps:

  • Calculate hexadecimal representation: Convert the hexadecimal string to a 64-character string.
  • Remove the 0x' prefix: Remove the first two characters of the string (for example,0x`).
  • Use the resulting string as a Bitcoin address

Why RSA addresses may not be suitable for Bitcoin

While RSA addresses can be used to generate digital signatures and create secure communications, they may not be suitable for use with Bitcoin due to security issues:

  • Unverified authenticity: Because RSA keys are based on public-key cryptography, any message or transaction that uses an RSA key to sign a message cannot be verified in real time without the corresponding private key.
  • Key compromise: If your RSA private key is compromised (for example, through a phishing attack), it can lead to unauthorized access to your Bitcoin wallet.

In contrast, ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) addresses are more secure because they use digital signatures based on elliptic curve cryptography, which provides more robust security features. ECC addresses also support transactions without the need for a public key exchange between parties.


While RSA private keys can be used to generate Bitcoin addresses, it is essential to understand the security and usability issues. RSA addresses may not be suitable for use with Bitcoin due to issues with authentication and key compromise. However, they remain a viable option for other digital currencies that do not require secure transaction verification. As developers continue to explore alternative cryptographic methods, we can expect new solutions to emerge.

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