Bitcoin: REST API documentation

Here is a design article on documenting Bitcoin Core Rest API:

Bitcoin Core Rest Api Documentation

The Bitcoin Core (BTC) Blockchain is a decentralized and open source platform that enables peer-to-parer transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks or central authorities. The Bitcoin Network uses a consensus salgorithm,

Overview of the Rest -Api

The Bitcoin Core Rest API Offers A Simple and Intuitive Way To Interact With The BTC Blockchain From Outside Of Its Borders. With the api, developers can access various functions of the network, e.g. B. the latest block or transaction details, sending transactions and more. In this article we provide an overview of the Bitcoin core rest -api documentation.

API Endpoints

The Bitcoin Core Rest -Api offers a number of endpoints with which you can carry out different actions in the network. Here are some of the most frequently used endpoints:

* Get the latest block : /blockchain/blocks/: call the latest block in the blockchain.

* Get Transaction : /txs/: Calls a Transaction from its unique id.

* Get Transaction Details : /txs//Details

* Send transaction :/txs/: sends a new transaction to the network.

* list transactions :/txs/: lists all transactions in the blockchain.

* Get Wallet Balance :/Wallets/: Calls the Balance of a Specific item of the Item.

API Authentication

The Bitcoin Core Rest API Uses Json Web Tokens (JWT) as an authentication mechanism. .

* Get /Login: creates a jwt token with the private key of your wallet.

* Post /Login: Enter the generated token in the header "authorization" to authenticate the following requirements.

API Requirement Pattern

Here Are Some Common API Requirements:

* Get : Call a Resource (e.g. Block, Transaction, Wallet).

* Post : create a new resource (e.g. Sending Transaction, Update Item Pocket Balance).

* Put

: Update an Existing Resource.

* Delete : Delete a Resource.

API Response Formats

The Bitcoin Core Rest API Returns Json. Out:

* Get : a list of resources with optional pagination information.

* Post : a new resource with details about the creation process.

* Put : An existing resource updated with details on the update process.

API Error Treatment

The Bitcoin Core Rest Returns Error Codes and Messages to Process Joint Scarios:

* 200 ok : the request was successful.

* 400 bad request : the request was invalid or failed due to a network problem.

* 404 Not found : the requested resource was not found.

* 500 Internal Server Error : An Unexpected Error Occurred.

Example Application Cases

Here are some sample applications for the Bitcoin Core Rest API:

* Get Last Block

* Send Transaction :curl -x -h // localhost: 8332/txs/

* Get Wallet Balance :Curl -x Get” http: // localhost: 8332/wallets/ “`


The Bitcoin Core Rest API is a powerful tool for interacting with the BTC blockchain from outside of its borders. The Api, you can create robust applications of the Network.

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